Please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for your interest in Acme Armature Works. Items marked with an * are required. Company NameFirst name*Last name*Phone*FaxPurchase OrderEmail*Catalog NumberModel NumberPart NumberType of PowerACDCPhase (AC only)Phase 1Phase 3Nameplate VoltageAC (115/208-230/460/575)DC (90, 180)Horsepower/KWFrame NumberBase Type (C-Face Only)Mounting FeetRound BodyEnclosureODPTEFCEXPTENVTEAOConstructionAluminumRolled Steel (standard)Cast IronTypeGeneral Purpose (standard)Inverter DutyHi-EfficiencyApplicationCompressorPumpAir MovingManufacturerLeesonMagnetekBaldorGESpecial MessageSubmit